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What's happening at the Farm?

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Spring 2024 is well underway and new life is beginning at the Rooftop. You will start to see smaller amounts of a wider variety of crops growing in the large beds - we wanted to increase diversity of our supply and experiment with a few items. Our two farmers Bridget and Gabi are busy getting ready for the warmer days!  Remember nearly all our produce goes to food literacy projects with excess being used by our friends at Rombe or Baked Wonder. Our Saturday Volunteer Group - first Saturday of each month- is going from strength to strength. Email us if you are keen to join the group we would love to see you.   Check out our workshops BOOK HERE

106 Elizabeth St, Richmond VIC  

Apartado de correos 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084

Cultivating Community reconoce respetuosamente a los pueblos del  Kulin Nations, los custodios tradicionales de la tierra en la que cultivamos, cocinamos y trabajamos. Reconocemos su conexión continua con la tierra, las aguas y la cultura, y las ricas prácticas agrícolas. Presentamos nuestros respetos a sus Ancianos pasados, presentes y emergentes, y reconocemos que la soberanía nunca fue cedida.

Cultivar la comunidad © 2021        ABN 26 998940 299       Número de registro de la asociación incorporada A0032404G

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