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Unity Challenge

Unity Challenge is an immersive leadership development program for corporate organizations that blends participation as equals with members of the community who face barriers to employment. The immersive experience is in cooking and / or horticulture. Whilst helping corporates to achieve their ESG Agenda it in particular helps develop a sense of purpose, empathy, emotional intelligence, growth mindsets and more. New practical skills may be gained around cooking, waste management, circular economics, cultural inclusion and co design. It is a challenge for a reason with often tough conversations to be had and heard but fun, joy and connection always succeed.  

The corporate participants take part in the program as equals with wider community members and use the immersive experience to address possible challenges but often discover they have more in common than difference and use the strengths-based approach to overcome some of the Kitchen or Garden based challenges.

Unity Challenge can be shaped to be a full program of one day per week for 6 weeks or anything less than that including even just one day!   Do email us for discussion 


106 Elizabeth St, Richmond VIC  

Posta Kutusu 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084

Yetiştirici Topluluğu saygıyla kabul eder.  Kulin Nations, üzerinde bahçe yaptığımız, yemek pişirdiğimiz ve çalıştığımız toprakların Geleneksel Muhafızları. Onların toprakla, sularla ve kültürle ve zengin tarım uygulamalarıyla süregelen bağlantılarının farkındayız. Geçmişteki, şimdiki ve ortaya çıkan Büyüklerine saygılarımızı sunarız ve egemenliğin asla terk edilmediğini kabul ederiz.

Yetiştirme Topluluğu © 2021        ABN 26 998 940 299       Incorporated Association Reg No. A0032404G

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