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Our Mission and Purpose (DRAFT) for new Strategy from July 2025)

我們的任務  與多元化和低收入社區合作,創建公平、安全和有彈性的糧食系統。





Our Values

We get stuff done and have a can-do mindset wrapped up in trust and respect for all.
We are good at knowing where we face challenges, and we can continually reflect on doing better or changing our ways. We are grateful for our colleagues and the work we do and the communities we do it with. We remain open minded, share in our success and are united in purpose as a team.


We care about who we work with and for. We utilise empathy, sensitivity, advocacy, curiosity, and ethics to do it.
For us diversity and inclusion are strengths that make us internally and externally more likely to be in tune with our community and participants. We will work hard with our organisations emotional intelligence to connect with each other.

We embrace ideas and activity that can inspire others to lead change in our communities for the better.
Nothing gets ruled out if we think it can make a positive change and meaningful impact to our services and the frameworks. We measure against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Social Connection Index and Well Being surveys and aspire for our opportunities to impact upon Wicked System solutions.


We can make magic happen with the depth and breadth of our team and the diversity of our community.
That magic can be lots of small things or one big thing that brings difference and joy to someone we work with or for. We will critically think about solutions and consider what is the problem we are trying to solve and use the creative canvas of our team and the subject matter of food and growing to solve them.

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通過我們在公共住房社區花園的工作,我們為低收入和移民社區提供了獲得健康、負擔得起和文化適宜的食物的機會。這些花園很棒 的地方 文化共享與和諧。


我們的社區食品中心和活動讓人們可以聚在一起討論食物、分享和學習技能、知識以及我們奇妙的多元文化。 在我們的學校食品花園計劃和放學後烹飪課程中,我們為孩子們創造了學習如何種植和準備食物、減少食物浪費和採取可持續行動的機會。

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我們協調、參與與食品安全和食品浪費問題相關的項目並提供建議。 我們與政府機構、地方議會和其他社區團體合作,提高人們對糧食不安全的認識,教育社區了解盡量減少食物浪費的重要性和堆肥的好處。 我們支持建立社區花園,提供從設計到治理模型的建議。



培育社區 已經 墨爾本的先驅 城市的 農業社區 結束 20年。

成立於1998年,  培養社區開始於 將生活在科林伍德社區的人們聯繫起來的項目 通過藝術和園藝活動。

我們的熱情 員工在他們工作的社區中建立聯繫

我們的董事會是一個多元化的專門團隊 堅持我們願景的成員



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106 維多利亞州里士滿伊麗莎白街 

郵政信箱 8 Abbotsford Vic 3067

(03) 9429 3084

Cultivating Community 尊重當地人民 庫林民族,我們園藝、烹飪和工作的土地的傳統監護人。我們認識到他們與土地、水域和文化以及豐富的農業實踐的持續聯繫。我們向他們過去、現在和新出現的長者表示敬意,並承認主權從未被割讓。

培育社區 © 2021        ABN 26 998 940 299       註冊協會註冊號 A0032404G

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